Author Archives: jjabczenski

Some of the Most Random Things You Will See on Campus

Going to school in Michigan, the weather can change on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. This will have an effect on what you see going on around campus, and sometimes it can be very random things you thought you wouldn’t experience.

For instance, the first time it is 50 degrees out after a cold winter, students are walking around in shorts and flip flips. In the courtyard of the dorms, girls will be lying out in the sun; guys will be tossing a football around outside. You feel like you are at the beach minus the sand and water.

When it is absolutely freezing out, with a foot of snow on the ground, iced over sidewalks and roads, there will still be a handful of students who insist on riding their bikes to class. They will be all bundled up with goggles on and be spinning out on the ice every five feet.

But no matter what the weather is like, the black squirrels of East Lansing will be out wandering campus and come right up to you then follow you to class.

There is so much to see on MSU’s campus.

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Campus Activities

You are living away from home as a freshman, in a dorm, with a roommate you don’t know, you have no car or way of getting around except for the CATA bus. What do you do with your Friday or Saturday night? UAB (University Activities Board) puts on events every week and free movies on the weekend around campus. Participate in Spartan Idol, go bowling in the Union or just sit back and enjoy popcorn and a newly released movie in Wells Hall. Enjoy the student life and the perks of living on campus while you still can.


One thing you must do while attending MSU is go to a home Football game and sit in the Student Section. Even if you are not a huge sports fan, just being around the excitement and blinded by the green and white colors is worth the time. Don’t miss out on the half-time show, Zeke the Wonder Dog, the cheerleaders and of course Sparty! And you never know; MSU might even make it to the Big Ten Championship Game! Show some School Spirit!

Before you graduate from MSU, explore the campus and activities. There is so much to do, always something going on. Go and be apart of the fun! Don’t miss out.

I don’t believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.